This is a great place to start if youre looking for the basics of a specific topic. The 2022 DVAM Webinar Series will highlight topics about rights and resources for domestic violence survivors; sexual health and reproductive coercion; and a Native Hawaiian framework for well-being. ocadvsa - ocadvsa Programs - Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence ASL and Spanish interpretation will be provided for this session, NCADV Members - Log in to Portal to RegisterAll Others - Purchase Registration Here. Webinars Archive - NNEDV Our founders believed that anyone could be an advocate and incorporating advocacy into your unique role in the community is essential to being able to cultivate a culture that believes, honors, respects, validates, and walks with victim-survivors. This webinar is for domestic violence advocates to learn more about human trafficking, and how it relates to their work. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Victim Services Division (VSD) Texas Crime Victim Clearinghouse (TxCVC) hosts a webinar series designed for criminal justice professionals, victim service professionals and victims. Training Materials | ACESDV 415 N McKinley Street . But they cause a host of physical, emotional and cognitive consequences that can impact every area of a persons life--including their ability to access and participate in dv services. How DV Advocates Can Help Survivors Access Health Care, Conducting a Thoughtful Needs Assessment: A Comprehensive Approach to Program Design for Adult and Children Survivors of DV, Supporting Survivor Access to Health Care: Open Enrollment, Updates on Changes to Health Policy and Implications for Survivors, Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: Exploring the CDCs Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Technical Package, Centering Survivor Leadership at the Intersections of Oppression, Q&A on Applying as a Research and Capacity Building Project, Respect Effect: A New Tool for Teen Dating Violence Prevention, Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence in Health Settings, Improving Health Outcomes Through Violence Prevention: Model Partnerships Between Community Health Centers and Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs, Addressing Dating and Sexual Violence and Harrassment in School-Based Health. All Rights Reserved -, Searchable directory of domestic violence programs and shelters in the United States and Canada, Articles, videos, and helpful tools for people experiencing and working to end domestic violence. Located in NNPD Headquarters, and based out of the Special Victims Unit, the NNPD DV Team utilizes a multi-pronged approach to domestic violence: victim advocacy, law enforcement training, community partnerships, data analysis, domestic violence education and awareness saturation. Why Domestic Violence Is a Public Health Crisis Twelve webinars were offered throughout the month of June to allow grantees to satisfy the 10 hours of mandatory training that PCCD requires of VOCA grantees. : Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu, Collaborating to Address the Needs of Trafficked Survivors with Disabilities, Collaborating to Address Trafficking in Rural Communities: Lessons from the Field, 2017 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: Ask the Experts, A Cross-Sector Model for Addressing Gender-Based Violence Impacting the Workplace, Trauma-Informed Care for Refugees and Children, Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care for Organizations, Legal Aspects of Human Trafficking for Health Providers, Supporting Safety and Change: A policy Framework for Engaging with Men Who Use Violence, Trauma-Informed Approaches to Working With Immigrant Children, Trauma-informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences And Resiliency: Opportunities For Early Child Care Providers, We Believe Moms Matter: Enhancing Child Welfare Responses to Mothers Experience Domestic Violence, Context and Practice: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Building Affirming Environments for LGBTQ + Youth, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies: Using the Relationship Assessment Tool and Universal Education, Strong Collaborative, Strong Families: Co-Located Domestic Violence Services Within Child Welfare, Assessing Trauma-Informed Practice: Lessons Learned From a Trauma Audit, Building Competence and Resilience in Children and Parents: The Advocate as Change Agent, Introduction to Labor and Sex Trafficking: A Health Care & Human Rights Challenge, Measuring Trauma-Informed Practice: Tools for Organizations, Collaborating with Community Based Organizations and Faith Based Communities to Address Human Trafficking, Labor Trafficking and the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Addressing and Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence in Healthcare Settings, Assembling the Pieces:Tools to Build an Effective Board, Building Promising Futures: Guidelines and Outcome Measures for Enhancing Response of Domestic Violence Programs to Children & Youth, Reimbursement and Payment Strategies for DV/Health Partnership, Promising Futures: Capacity Assessment for DV/SV Programs for Supporting Children, Youth, and Parents, Expanding Healthy Moms/Happy Babies: Spotlight on Our New Young Mothers Safety Card, Beyond Screening: A Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence, The News About Childhood Trauma: Findings and Implications, Addressing and Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence in Campus Health Centers, Domestic Violence, Mental Health, And Substance Use Coercion, Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships in Pediatric Health Settings, Thats Not Cool: Mobilizing Youth Communities for Teen Dating Violence Prevention & Education, Navigating Fund Development Strategies During Transition, New Public Health Strategies for Violence Prevention, Gender Based Violence, Health, and HIV: Intersections and Implications for Clinicians, Open Enrollment: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing abuse, Ending the Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: A Public Health Approach, Applicant Webinar on Funding Announcement: Phase II to Identify and Provide Brief Counseling on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in PCMH Recognized Health Centers, Improving Health Outcomes through Violence Prevention, Returning to Being Good Relatives: Addressing Lateral Oppression and Violence, Achieving Access for Parents and Children. Webinar Archive - EVAWI DVP Webinar Series | Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) All rights reserved. Information included: Overview of the DVPI program; Best and promising practices; Evidence-based practices; Videos included in this playlist: Domestic Violence is a Pattern: Break the Cycle, Lets Do Better: Pillars of Healthy Relationships, Emotional Safety Planning, Lets Talk about Boundaries, What About Youth? The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in these webinars are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of PCCD, AOPC or the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. This training will focus on taking what Ohio has learned about the intersection of domestic violence, strangulation, and traumatic brain injury and how to take the frameworks, knowledge, and tools developed in Ohio to use in your work at your agency. Find out how you can help survivors and join the movement change the national conversation around domestic violence. Register for upcoming webinars or view recorded webinars on a variety of topics. This webinar will help advocates feel more comfortable discussing this topic and engaging with survivors. This Trauma series can be watched independently or together as a piece. National Institute on Fatherhood & Domestic Violence, Strike Out Violence Day with San Francisco Giants. From what used to be standard prostitution cases, now theres a keen eye out there for warning signs of human trafficking, says one investigator. This playlist includes webinars that discuss how to work toward stopping violence before it starts (primary prevention), changing the trajectory for individuals at higher-than-average risk of perpetrating or experiencing violence (secondary prevention), and preventing the recurrence of violence (tertiary prevention/response). If you have any questions about how we protect your data, check out our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. These invisible injuries impact the brain, are almost never immediately treated, and rarely identified. Webinars: Helpful Videos for Domestic Violence Victims and Survivors Recorded Webinars Categories: Recording , Webinar Our webinars offer valuable insight and education about the intersection of faith with sexual and domestic violence and child abuse, as well as the importance of clergy ethics and healthy relationships in preventing harm. Implementation Science: What Does it Take to Improve Outcomes? This meeting is an executive session and is closed the the public. The Intersection of Domestic Violence and the Grieving Process of This series of five Zoom Webinars shared the often unrecognized and unique dynamics of the eleven tribal areas in Wisconsin that address the issues of family violence, sexual assault, missing and murdered indigenous women, human trafficking, and domestic abuse. If you are a fierce advocate for children/youth, these webinars could provide lots of useful and practical information for how to show up for kids. Today, we spend more time online and on our devices than ever before, creating new safety risks for victims of gender-based and family violence. Webinars | Safe Havens This webinar is for domestic violence advocates to learn more about human trafficking, and how it relates to their work. Take a Stand FOR Healthy Teen Relationships, NCADV Members - Log in to Portal to Register. This webinar explores the fundamental shift in the way the justice system and victim service providers view the commercial sex industry. For these reasons, Sharity set out to develop an easy way to communicate the impact of domestic violence and the value of services of domestic violence programming. Associated Links Webinars & Seminars NCADV on Twitter: "[#ADVOCHAT SESSION] Domestic Violence High Risk Team This presentation is best suited for community leaders, professionals, and activists who are eager to maximize their online presence. Monday, March 13, 2023 - Friday, March 17, 2023. Firearms. Download Transcript:, Victims of one episode of strangulation are 750% more likely of becoming a victim of homicide at the hands of the same partner than a woman who is assaulted but not strangled. Rainbow House Domestic Abuse Services, which serves a three-county area in North Eastern Wisconsin, created the second Domestic Violence High-Risk Team (DVHRT) in the state to better address the needs of rural survivors and proactively intervene in high-risk cases before greater escalation. This training will provide advocates with knowledge of trauma and trauma responses, the multi-abuse trauma tool and how to apply it to your work. This recorded webinar was developed for court personnel to define and recognize domestic violence in later life, as well as identify ways to enhance access to justice for victims of domestic violence in later life. COVID 19 Impact on Domestic Violence Survivors in Harris County. Ph.D, Senior Director of Research, ASPCA Strategy and Research. Remote Home Visitation: Supporting clients experiencing Intimate Partner Violence in the Time of COVID-19, Innovation on Demand Part 1: Implementing Culturally-Responsive and Trauma-Informed Services and Family-Centered Practice During COVID-19, Invisible Injuries: Traumatic Brain Injury, Strangulation and Domestic Violence, Engaging Dads: Findings from the Preventing and Addressing Intimate Violence when Engaging Dads (PAIVED) Study, Lessons Learned: Supporting Indigenous Children and Families Experiencing Domestic Violence, Strengthening Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs for Trafficked Survivors:Enhancing Identification, Case Management and Advocacy, Survivor Strategies to Generate Income: Opportunities through Independent Contracting, Beyond Checking the Boxes: A Discussion on Education Program Evaluations, Core Values and Domestic & Sexual Violence Organizations, Language Access in Educational Design and Delivery/ Acceso al Lenguaje en el Diseo y Entrega Educativa, NHCVA Webinar A Change Package for Advancing Trauma Informed Care in Primary Care settings, How State/Territory, Tribal, and Federal Health Policies Can Promote Survivor Health, Preserve Autonomy, and Protect Confidentiality, New Funding Announcement Q&A: Project Catalyst Phase III, Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day *Facebook Live* Event, Addressing Stigma within Healthcare and Social Service Provision, Succession Planning within Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Organizations, Part 2, NHCVA Webinar Children in Detention: Critical Clinical, Legal, Policy, and Human Rights Issues for Health Professionals, Supporting Families Experiencing Domestic Violence who are Involved in the Child Welfare System: Lessons Learned from the Specialized Services for Abused Parents and Children Program, Information Session: Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking Institute, Building Sustainable Partnerships between Human Trafficking Services and Workforce Development Programs, Collaborative Strategies and Tools to Meet the Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking, Job Training and Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 2020 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: How-to Submit Webinar, Human Trafficking and Its Impacts on Employment, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies Part II: Healing Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings, Healthy Moms Happy Babies: Healing Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs, Building Skills and Obtaining Employment: Understanding Opportunities and Resources Available through Local Workforce Systems, Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking, Integrating Assessment for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking into Advocacy Programs: Promising Practices and Emerging Tools, Fostering Safer Workplaces: Addressing Domestic Violence in a Business Setting. Videos included in this playlist: Brain on Trauma: Domestic Violence and PTSD, Interconnectedness of domestic violence and homelessness, the impact of domestic violence on mental health, too often forgotten: impact of domestic violence on children, navigating when a survivor is in crisis, emotional safety planning, Virtual Book Talk with Author Kelly Sundberg, A conversation on building resiliency as a foundation for perseverance, navigating housing for survivors, domestic violence 101, and intimate partner violence 101. Training - Ohio Domestic Violence Network It also shares strategies advocates can use to assist victims of domestic violence during the pandemic. ODHS trainings are tagged blue; ORPARC trainings are tagged orange. These materials offer information that is critical to clarifying and strengthening the role of advocates and their work to end violence against women and . Why? The IHS Forensic Healthcare Project provides in-person and web-based training related to the identification, collection, and preservation of medical forensic evidence obtained during treatment of victims of sexual and domestic violence.. Webinars National MSPI and DVPI New Grantee and IHS Programs Welcome Call/Webinar. This project was supported by Grant No. PCADV offers a myriad of informative and educational pre-recorded webinars on various topics. Webinar: Environmental and Situational Sexual Violence Prevention Practitioner Guide Launch. makes it simple to find the services and resources that victims and survivors of domestic violence need.
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