Let's break down what Shane Dawson did to get canceled in 2020, along with how it has affected his collaboration with Jeffree so far. pic.twitter.com/gQlwtdq8u2, Was Shane Dawsons makeup removed or did it sell out? Youtube channel most known for their Lightsaber Fights as well as their reaction/review videos. Whatever it is all the guys are behind him bettering himself regaining their trust and said that if he does he could definitely be back in BlindWave, so Im gonna be behind him in doing that all the same. TwitLonger is in no way associated with Twitter, but they sure do a swell job over there, Crude or indecent language, including adult stories or "imagines", Sexual fetish content (e.g. Here you can feel free to post their videos, related videos and news regarding Blind Wave and have an open discussion related to any of these topics. Support Blind Wave on Patreon! Natalie also gave a shoutout to the fans for all their support. I agree. But I'm 31, almost 32. So it makes perfect sense that the YouTubers partnered up to create an eyeshadow palette and decided to call it Controversy. But, as Shayne details in this new scene, this angry reaction stemmed from pent up frustrations in their relationship. However, unless we find out what caused this, the example has to be removed. This week is Wave Con in Marietta, which is a convention thrown by the YouTube channel Blind Wave for their fans. I've struggled with it and still do. Since then, they have moved to a new channel by the same name where they continue their work.[4]. There's a lot here. Hope we find out more someday when they're ready though. I hope one day he can return and continue his reactions and amazing crazy outbursts! Its made me better and Im working every day to be stronger. The crew at Blind Wave (Eric, Shane, Rick, Calvin, and Aaron) react to movies they haven't seen yet. He seemed filled with guilt. For me personally, I respect both parties involved and it's clear they are close friends with one another. "We may have had our ups and downs, but you have always protected me and had my back. You can find their Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/BlindWave, Press J to jump to the feed. Article continues below advertisement Source: YouTube Morphe seemingly pulled Shane and Jeffree's Conspiracy palettes. Blind Wave shows the love right back to their fans. The Blind Wave Podcast can be viewed live with audience interaction every Thursday at 3pm at http://www.twitch.tv/blindwave Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! The fact that they're open to working with him if he's ready and Shane's personal statement on Twitter means that there's no behind the scenes going on. I feel like it's one of those things where, he says/does something as a joke, but it ends up sounding/looking way worse. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. I have studied law myself and seen countless of generic letters. About three years ago, I quit my day job and started doing this full time and we now have four other guys that do it full time as well, so theres five of us total and then we have some part timers as well, said Eric Whiteley, a Blind Wave Partner. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Where do I start? I feel like since they mentioned multiple times that they want the community to feel safe, etc..that Shane might have said something racist or sexually inappropriate with some people. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. Shane Farley (@idntsleepidream) Instagram photos and videos idntsleepidream Follow 342 posts 5,360 followers 1,574 following Shane Farley Public figure Twitter- shane22farley. "Because yes, I apologized for a lot of them. Published: Aug. 9, 2019 at 4:35 PM PDT. By what name was Blind Wave Movie Reactions (2019) officially released in Canada in English? Im done. Thanks to the generosity of their fans through Patreon, Blind Wave's five members are currently able to run the channel full-time, and to contract a group of editors, providing multiple videos daily. And now it definitely cost him. You can find their Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/BlindWave, Press J to jump to the feed. He explained that he realizes now how horrible he was but the YouTuber also made plenty of weak excuses, too. "Even if I did this experiment a thousand times knowing the outcome, I would have always chosen you.". They got their start by making short films, wedding videos, commercials, but eventually moved to creating reaction and review type content. [4] Staff [ edit] 5 were here. 'Love Is Blind' Couples: Where Are They Now? I understand covering your basis from a legal point of view. Every apology video I've ever made has been from fear.". I know Im late but I saw someone mention this again in a Shane reaction video and I just gotta say, if Shane cant even bring himself to say what hes apologizing for, its probably pretty bad. They also mentioned Shane wanted to work on his family, which would fit in this context. And I hope Shane is okay. Between videos of Shane wearing blackface and making racist jokes, to cringe-y AF clips joking about pedophilia, a ton of Shane's old and highly-problematic content resurfaced all at once in 2020. - It's not things he said on camera. Shane also mentioned how only he should be blamed for his actions and to not take it out on the other guys. But it was severe enough for him to resign over it alongside the other issues they had with him. Shane also said that in his statement. Shane (BlindWave) Apology/Resignation Hell Thief Chrolo Snow 378 subscribers Subscribe 2.8K 250K views 2 years ago Today was a sad day in the BlindWave community. Recent posts by Blind Wave. Even a goodbye video would have been nice. No one knows this community better than the people in it, so ask away! Theyve had about 70 fans come to visit and participate in some local activities such as mini golf and rollerblading. And now it definitely cost him. Here you will see live lets plays, podcasts, reactions and more Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Love Is Blind reunion is slated to premiere on Netflix Friday and will reveal which of the couples are still together. he asks Natalie. Love Is Blind's second season was filmed in the summer of 2021. The racist thing seems less likely, isn't he a poc? a crime.) The crew at Blind Wave (Eric, Shane, Rick, Calvin, and Aaron) react to movies they haven't seen yet. Given the "misdemeanor" is unknown, and according to the writeup it didn't end the career so much as he did by his own volition yeah. (Eric mentioned this). The trope has "misdemeanor" in the name for a reason. I hope we as a community can collectively come together and give Shane the forgiveness that hes seeking. Blind Wave Tabletop RPG (2017- ) More at IMDbPro Contact info Agent info Shane Farley is known for Blind Wave Mailbag! Which will be sad but they made lots of videos and worked hard to entertain us. I know that it came from a place of you being frustrated with me or me making you feel like you weren't enough. Be part of the community. Those apologies suck. Rick even said that Shane could possibly one day come back, but not as a full partner, until they trust him again. And thank you for loving me for ME, and always encouraging me to embrace and love my flaws. He is married to Joy Farley. "I don't want it to seem like I'm just blaming it on you and those words came out of nowhere. (Shane and the others mentioned this), - He wants to work on himself and his family. Shane's immature gestures made that reaction unusable in any GoT compilation reactions with other reactions on YouTube. As The Youth We Need To Support Creators Who Support Us And Our Morals. + personal issues (like Shane saying something about Aaron's wife, Melanie as told by Aaron). In the 20-minute apology video, Shane took some accountability for his past behavior. "Were committed to creating an experience in which all guests feel welcomed and respected, a representative told Business Insider. Just acknowledge that it was due to a transgression towards a community member or members, that it caused a lot of trust issues with him and they couldn't keep working with him because of that. Eagle-eyed Twitter users noticed on June 30 that no results show up on Morphe's website when users search, Shane Dawson, Shane Dawson x Jeffree Star, or Conspiracy. Which is kind of a big deal, considering the November 2019 launch of Shane and Jeffree's Conspiracy palette caused the Morphe and Beauty Bay platforms to crash because so many people were attempting to buy it, according to Business Insider. Are you lost yet? (@stuartgibson). For those who wanted me to address it I did. pic.twitter.com/TW2XkZmhGX. (Both Eric and Aaron mentioned this). But hey, at least they chose the perfect name for their collaboration, right? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I've already found other things BW has done odd in recent times. Only the people involved are aware. Shane Dawson was the king of edgy comedy on early YouTube. One of my favorite episodes to one of my favorite series! They could be unrelated incidents that culminated in his resignation and knowing that has alleviated my curiosity. Why quit your job and lose your income? SHANE DAWSON I AM DISGUSTED BY YOU. He'll just not work any more? Netflix's 'Perfect Match' : Are Any of the Couples Still Together? Members ", As Natalie quietly listens to her ex explain his side of things, Shayne accuses Natalie of not apologizing for her part in their dissolved romance. Get the drama behind the scenes. We don't know, but Aaron said in their podcast that he told a lie about her. And to me all of this just sounds like Shane has done some really stupid things towards community members, inappropriate things and lied about it towards the rest of the guys + with the other added annoyances/personal issues they came to the conclusion it was better to part ways. Blindwave does a lot of videos so if you are not 100% in the right state of mind I can very easily see it becoming overbearing. Didn't see any Twitter call-outs or the call for cancellation. Exactly and that's why they'd rather not go to deep into it. Aaron and Eric also mentioned something about if some community member reached out to them they would take their complaints seriously but that they weren't aware of things. Watch here! Shane is a great part of Blind Wave. Theyre putting on their third Wave Con this week at the Lafayette Hotel in Marietta. I went through several iterations of this message and even contemplated on never posting it. ", "As a man watching our story over again I'm remorseful for my actions and all I can do is learn from them to be a better man," he added. See the, Reporting problems with advertisements. In late June, a clip featuring Shane making inappropriate gestures toward a poster of Willow Smith again made its rounds.
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