Log In. How do we keep AA relevant? At the end of the trail, the riders with the best poker hand wins a prize. convention@aaseny.org https://www.aaseny.org. A NOTE FROM THE COMMITTEE: Any donations that could aid in this wonderful event are gratefully appreciated. (Al-Anon) from Granite Shoals, TX. And the Palm Springs Round Up, that was started in 1960. . If youre interested in learning more about AA events near me, check our website for regular updates and information on meetings, weekend retreats, sports, family work, and more.
2022 Las Vegas Roundup - Las Vegas Central Office for Alcoholics Anonymous Check out our marathon meeting page for the program. $(window).resize(function() { var ifr = $('#gcal'); ifr.css('width', ifr.parent().width() + 'px') }); Registration for the 2022 Southern California AA Convention is now open!
Upcoming Events Special Event - Alcoholics Anonymous Each AA event includes the time, date, and link to more details. No experience is necessary and basic instruction will be provided. Riders follow a predetermined trail with checkpoints at various locations. Find all of the AA events near me throughout our interactive calendar. We welcome you! Passing of the Big Book 2022 17:59:34 Page generated: May 15, 2022 21:47:43
Area 03 Login Whether youre new to Alcoholics Anonymous or have been around for decades, all are invited to attend AA Conventions, AA Conferences, AA Roundups, AA Workshops, AA Retreats, AA Cruises and more. Participants can walk or run to complete a course outdoors in sobriety. The Big D Roundup is a four day A.A. event with Alanon & C.M.A. Check out our list of legendary speakers we have lined up for you at the Las Vegas Round Up. Store Round-Up Contributions Event Flyers. Meeting Search; Types of Meetings; . . Double Tree Omaha Downtown 1616 Dodge St., Omaha, NE. More Info. See the Event Calendar for times and locations. A.A. members enjoyed many activities - live music, dances, hospitality rooms, and more than 250 meetings, which were held in more than 10 languages, including ASL (American Sign Language). Flower City Fellowship Convention2022February 18th-20th, 2022. 6, 82491 Grainau, Tagungssttte Schloss Schwanberg 3 97348 Rdelsee, Tagungssttte Schloss, Schwanberg 3, Rdelsee, Notice: We use cookies to provide and improve our services. In selecting the name, careful consideration was given to a variety of combinations. . If you believe you have a medical emergency, you should immediately call 911. 2023 AA Roundup / Serenity By The Sea | Contact: Chris: (805) 342-7724 chriswachniuk@gmail.com. Carrying the message is the basic service that the Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship gives; this is our principal aim and the main reason for our existence. Daily posts on recovery, sobriety, mental health, and everything in-between. District 15 Workshop - Ensuring The Future of AA - June 4, 2022 - Noon - 3pm - New Hope Merritt Island. For reservations, contact the hotel directly at (800)524-4557. HELP STOP CORONAVIRUS Get VACCINATED WEAR a mask at all times in public KEEP a safe distance and AVOID large crowds WASH hands often COVER your cough and if you are sick, stay home and seek medical advice. Bill and Bob's coffee shop - the Hospitality Suite, is actually the epicenter of Fellowship Serenity is what we get when we quit hoping for a better past. 9-13 of Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. and Al-Anon friends that the Round-Up is the place to be whether you are new to A.A., been around for a while, or visiting our great state. Michigan's LGBTQ+ Recovery Round-Up. The entire weekend is designed to appeal to broad spectrum of attendees. Please see the flyer or visit the website for more information. The environment, speakers and workshops provide an opportunity for sobriety, recovery, fellowship and fun under the sun in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Our simple goal is to provide a place for fellowship - one recovering alcoholic to another. One of the most common gmailis that conventions are A.A. meetings. on substance abuse issues to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and allied communities. MBAR Since 1993.
Allatoona Roundup 2022 | Home District 12 Founder's Day Picnic . We have three days of Fellowship, A.A. meetings. Enjoy a weekend of incredible speakers panel, meetings and fellowship as we celebrate recovery Texas-style. When your not having fun with an activity, stop and see our curated list of speakers. See our schedule. hotline 833.800.8553 AREA 40 M O NTANA. Registration includes: Friday Night Entertainment, Saturday DJ and Saturday Karaoke. sea, sun, fun and sobriety. 865-522-9667. 72 per night single, 78 per night double, breakfast included. Golf April 28th Flyer coming soon. 3pm - 4pm Workshop 12 Concepts - with Juha and Jimmy S. 7pm - 8pm 7pm - 8pm Lyle P. from Atlanta. Need some help registering? One of the most powerful tools for recovery is attending regular AA events. Special Room Rate: $149.00 per night for this event. Include your Hilton HHonors number to receive points. 64287 VAT No. COVER your cough and if you are sick, stay home and seek medical advice. Please fill out a request for contact. . The Cornhusker Roundup is moving!! *Venue still to be confirmed, due to COVID-19 policies in Victoria. During the year, we gather together to raise money for the conference and opportunities for fellowship.
{A.A. EVENT} September 23, 2022 - "Sobriety by the Sea A.A. Guidelines on Conferences, Conventions and Roundups "News" Learn about events at the General Service Office (G.S.O.) Choose this option to register for the Las Vegas Round Up, or purchase a scholarship ticket.
OCAAC Home Page Events - East Tennessee Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous You can also check the AA Grapevine or your local AA website for more events, listen to AA Speakers, attend an AA Meeting or contact the Recovery HQ Team and we will do all we can to help.
Sobriety Under The Sun | AA Convention in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Charity Number CHY 6014 Registered Charity Number (RCN) 20010010 Registered in Ireland No. Our new home is at the Liberty First Credit Union Arena (formerly known as the Ralston Arena) at 7300 Q St, Ralston, NE 68127 45th Annual Cornhusker Round-up * Signed meeting for the hearing impaired Children 12 and under will not be admitted into the meeting hall. The Tri-State Roundup is the AA convention for Arizona, California and Southern Nevada. Get 24/7 help now All calls free and confidential.
AA Events: Conventions, Roundups, Workshops and more PDF Oldest AA Convention West of the Mississippi 82nd "Old Grandad" 10:30am - 12pm Speaker Meeting Rick J. from Ontario. The big nightly meetings are fashioned in the style of Alcoholics Anonymous, but take what you like and leave the rest. Cups, Tees, Tanks, Hoodies and More! Mardi Gras 2023 Event Sat, Feb 25th 7-10 pm Big Cottonwood Room at Holladay City Hall 4580 S 2300 E Events Chair 2023 Utah Rally For Recovery A walk to honor the lives lost to substance abuse. Order before the round-up and you can come pick it up from the memorabilia table when, For room reservations contact: Don Laughlin's Riverside Hotel & Casino, **PLEASE NOTE: THE RIVERSIDE IS INCREASING THEIR RESORT FEES FOR RESERVATIONS AFTER MAY 1ST TO $20 A NIGHT PLUS TAX**, (discounted price for standard room, upgrades available at a cost). MBAR conference 2022 archives . Attending AA events is a great way to have fun and fellowship. Seperate guided Meditation enhances spiritual connection. Check back with us for updates and more detail as we get closer to the date.
Gay & Sober 2023 - Common Questions How can they rise out of such misery, bad repute and hopelessness? Limited space available, book your rooms early! Add to calendar. June 2023. The International Convention will take place from July 3 - 6, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre and BC Place Stadium. Attendees can expect powerful speaker meetings, thought-provoking workshops, unique games and activities, and, of course, the legendary AALA Musical and Miss AALA . Find a Meeting.
Keys for Serenity Roundup 2023 At the International Convention people attend meetings, workshops, dances and events. AA Online Study Exploring the New AA Service Manual, 12 Concepts, and Area 18 Budget Hosted by former Delegates Thad N. and Marti H. Every Wednesday Starting February 1st 7:00pm Zoom Event: Meeting information in link above. Step 1 enter your email address and select "Find Me" to proceed with the registration process. APRIL 28, 29, 30 . During a Poker Run, riders follow a predeterminded trail with checkpoints at various locations. 8:00AM Last Marathon Meeting. It is situated on the bank of the river (or strait) Peenestrom, vis--vis the island of Usedom on the Baltic coast that can be accessed by road and railway via a movable bascule bridge (Blaues Wunder). 5:00PM Banquet. The convention is planned to be held in MELBOURNE, from Friday the 22nd Sunday the 24th of April, 2022, at the Pullman Hotel Albert Park*. Box 5311 Bella Vista, AR 72714 $25 PRE-REGISTRATION IF RECEIVED BEFORE JULY 15, 2022.
Events | AA Central Office of Salt Lake This mind and body practice combines physical postures and breathing. Have questions? When Chocolate Doesn't Work Anymore Workshop Hosted By: District 8 Saturday . The aspects of time, structure, and support are all essential in building a strong foundation of recovery, which is why its important to regularly search for AA events near me. The Retreat has a dedicated calendar for AA events near me to help residents find meetings that fit their schedules. Support the conference by helping us spread the word. Click here for a printable Flyer. Check out who is attending exhibiting speaking schedule & agenda reviews timing entry ticket fees. August 3, 2022 - August 7, 2022.
Upcoming Events - Alcoholics Anonymous 190 05, Makri, Nr Athens, Seminarhaus Grainau e.V., Alpspitzstr.
Events Calendar - sobercast.com AUSLAN Interpreted Meeting for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community Online and In Person, Personal Stories A long road to a life of quality, Personal stories Her marriage was disintegrating, Personal stories AA He had to learn the First Step, Personal stories The alcoholic perfectionist, Personal stories She was rescued by a phone call, Frequently asked questions from people new to AA, Information for family and friends of alcoholics, The General Service Office of AA Australia. Guidelines MG-04 on Conferences, Conventions and Roundups Upcoming March 2023 Thu 2 March 2 - March 5 PRAASA 2023 Sat 18 March 18 @ 9:00 am - 2:30 pm 12th Annual Women Sponsoring Women Workshop Book your hotel room for the event at special rates.
Home | Together We Can 2022 Las Vegas Roundup - Las Vegas Central Office for Alcoholics Anonymous The Las Vegas Roundup is an annual gathering of alcoholics from across the country and around the world. It is an established fact that those who attend and take an active part in Alcoholics Anonymous Round Ups, such as this one, have a . A.A.
AA Australia Members Website By JCCOAA Volunteer Posted on April 7, 2022 August 15, 2022 Posted in Events. An AA meeting in a Podcast.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of people who share their experience .
Maine Roundup | AA 6:00PM AA Speaker Meeting. The Southeastern Massachusetts Round-Up (S.E.M.R.U.) 9582864P Early Registration Ends on Nov. 1st, 2022. *The Retreat is a supportive, educational recovery program and is not a substitute for psychotherapy, medical, or clinical treatment. Guidelines on Conferences, Conventions and Roundups MG-04 A.A.
Cornhusker Roundup XLV, August 11th - 14th, 2022 More. There are also regularly scheduled AA meetings for group continuity, reliability, and support for those who need it. The convention had 5,000 volunteers - some local, others from distant states and countries. Join Our Family To Receive Updates or Make Changes To Your Contact Information Here, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Aloha RoundUp.
MAINE ROUNDUP 2023 July 21-23, 2023, Carrabassett . Guidelines on Conferences, Conventions and Roundups View PDF In addition to a changing calendar of events, The Retreat holds a few regular programs to help people in the community connect and grow. |, Donor Recognition & Tribute Opportunities. Available now! Tri-District Service Fair - Aug 20, 2022 - 11am - 2pm - Trinity Wellsprings Church Sat Beach.
Upcoming Events - AA Sacramento 8am Morning Yoga & Meditation. Springtime in the Ozarks Eureka Springs, Arkansas District 1 AA Convention Next conference: 46th Annual Conference April 20-23, 2023 Preregistration closes April 1, 2023 Thank you to everyone who attended 2022! 2023 West Central Regional AA Service Conference Flyer. AA National Convention 2022 April 22, 2022 @ 8:00 am - April 24, 2022 @ 5:00 pm We are excited to announce the official launch of the 2022 National Convention for Alcoholics Anonymous! 2023. Calendar of Events. The Breakfast Club is free to attend and open to the public. 83RD Anniversary of AA. ----------------------------"The Retreat Daily" Daily posts on recovery, sobriety, mental health, and everything in-between. Copyright 2023. Calendar of Events | AA Grapevine Calendar of Events Home Get Involved IMPORTANT: SOME EVENTS MAY BE CANCELED.
2022 Convention Information Rochester Area Intergroup //
AALA Roundup - LGBTQ+ AA Convention in Los Angeles - Alcoholics Brought to you by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., Meeting Guide is a free of charge meeting finder app for iOS and Android that provides meeting information from A.A. service entities in an easy-to-access format. All Rights Reserved.
Events - Oregon Area 58 The Convention dates are April 7-9, 2023, at the Costa Mesa Hilton.
SBRU - rcs.squaredroot.net 7:30PM Social Pow Wow.
LOCAL EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. If youre looking for news, resources, or content about The Retreat, its programs, community, and life in recovery, you can check the AA events near me calendar for the most up to date information. KEEP a safe distance andAVOID large crowds. GaL-AA (Gays and Lesbians in Alcoholics Anonymous) was established to serve and have the involvement of lesbians, gay men, and others in Alcoholics Anonymous, regardless of how they choose to identify themselves. Our own recovery proves that! Alcoholics Anonymous pg.
Calendar - Alcoholics Anonymous - AA Tucson Designed to give you inspiration, hope and strength to live your best life. Submit Your Event .
Las Vegas Roundup | LVRU Submit new events to the Webmaster. Tropicana Hotel & Casino, 3801 S. Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA. Please see footer below Calendar for posting Guidelines Photo Search Photo Galleries Search by Color New Photos Today New Photos Yesterday Members' Photo Galleries Past Photo of the Day Gallery Mineral Photography. Get the latest information on addiction treatment and recovery. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 14, 2022 MEETING BEGINS AT 6:00 PM ONLINE ONLY, ZOOM MEETING MEETING ID: 924 5843 5425 PASSCODE: 791746 Click to Join with Zoom [] Fri 17 March 17 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Parking Lot Meeting Anniversary Potluck Tahoe Park 3501 59th St., Sacramento, CA Check out our list of legendary speakers we have lined up for you at the 2021 Las Vegas Round Up.
AA National Convention 2022 - Alcoholics Anonymous This convention is self-supporting. Even a five dollar donation helps to keep our organization operating year after year. . Facilitated by long term, experienced A.A members who are members of the York & District P.I (Public Information) team Zoom I.D: 833 7776 3076 Tuesday 2nd August, 14-00 PM - 15-15 PM Curious to know more about A.A, the recovery language, and phrases we use? By surrounding yourself with a strong support system, you'll be able to supplement your road to recovery, strengthen your relationships with other like-minded individuals, and work as a community to fully immerse yourself in sober living. http://www.lasvegasroundup.org Round-Up 2022 It may seem incredible that these men are to become happy, respected, and useful once more. Come for a weekend of speakers, meetings, workshops, food, dancing, and fellowship with AA's from all around the state.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Area 40 - Calendar of Events - aa-montana.org March Roundup 2022 - Alcoholics Anonymous For the special rate be sure to mention that you are attending the SCAAC annual convention on November 3rd. A fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. We have three days of Fellowship, A.A. meetings.
Stubbenfelde, Loddin, Usedom Island, Vorpommern-Greifswald, Mecklenburg Upcoming Events.
2023 Area 10 Convention - Biggest and Best Party of the Year!! The Retreat Calendar of Events includes AA meetings, weekend retreats, family work, and more. Hotel & Links. FLYERS. That's why it's called a conference. ", A.S., Middletown, PA Grapevine, December 2016, Copyright 2023 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved. ALOHA ROUNDUP Honolulu, Hawai'i CONSCIOUS CONTACT. Appalachian Regional RoundUp. 17 March 2023. . Join us for an incredible weekend of celebrations, fellowship, recovery, and unity with AL-ANON participation. 2023 West Central Regional AA Service Conference. Videos or graphic images may not be downloaded, copied or duplicated without the express written permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Alcoholics Anonymous and the Blue People graphic are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved. The same great location at the Riverside Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, NV on the beautiful Colorado River will be filled with meetings, fine fellowship, inspiring and humorous speakers, and more fun than ever. About the Convention The biggest and best A.A. party of the year. Read our FAQ's and most common questions people have about the round up. SPRING ROUNDUP Missoula flyer - last update dec 10 registration program. PLEASE CONTACT INDIVIDUAL EVENT TO MAKE SURE IT IS STILL HAPPENING. Get Involved. Someone from the committee will reach out to you soon. If you are an Area 03 assembly voting member and have not received your Panel Topics from your Panel Chair 4 weeks prior to the Assembly, please contact your Panel Chair. | MEETINGS | ZOOM MTGS | CALENDAR | AREA COMMITTEE; menu. Annual Orange County AA Convention with Al-Anon Participation.
Calendar of Events | AA Grapevine We will get through this difficult time together. Everywhere people were smiling, laughing and hugging one another. Recover HQ does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Click outside the box to close it. 1 event, 24 1 event, 24 2023-03-24
Home - 2023 Syracuse Salt City 2023 Syracuse Salt City We are excited to announce the official launch of the 2022 National Convention for Alcoholics Anonymous! Area 03 Login.
Tri-State Convention (Nov 2022), Shreveport USA - Conference - 10times "Rogue Round-Up" . A.A. Spring English Speaking International Convention in Greece will be held at the Marathon Beach Resort, Near Makri, Athens. Dont miss this opportunity to mix and mingle with friends in recovery. March 8 @ 6:30 am - 7:30 am. The Roundup is Labor Day Weekend, September 1 - 4, 2023. Register for LVRU and add a banquet ticket today! Alcoholics Anonymous. Its important to know that you and your loved one are not alone in your fight for sobriety. CONTACT SUGARLOAF at 1-800-THE LOAF (843-5623 . Las Vegas RoundUp. This will mark the 90th anniversary of the beginning of our Fellowship's founding. . The practical answer is that since these things have happened among us, they can happen with you. August 11, 12 & 13 2023 at DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Hotel Paradise Valley - Scottsdale As the Convention approaches, we will update our website with registration information. 2022-23 Board and Rep Meeting Calendar. 153. A.A. Spring English Speaking International Convention in Greece will be held at the Marathon Beach Resort, Near Makri, Athens. An online International Convention Experience was hosted on aa.org instead. // Space Coast Round Up Marathon meetings are continuous meetings.
Upcoming Events - Alcoholics Anonymous SEPIA's 56th Annual Round-Up "Serenity by the Sea" April 21, 2023 "Serenity by the Sea" View the Flyer . Brought to you by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., Meeting Guide is a free of charge meeting finder app for iOS and Android that provides meeting information from A.A. service entities in an easy-to-access format. The criteria generally in place for an event to be considered "an A.A. event" is that it be put on by A.A.s, for A.A.s and about A.A." From G.S.O.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Idaho Area 18 Make and manage reservations by clicking below. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Contact the Hyatt Regency, 125 East Main St .
Events - Alcoholics Anonymous San Diego ALL SINGERS & DANCERS WELCOME. Enjoy entertainment, VIP seating, keynote speakers, and a delicious banquet menu. Six really terrific speakers!
About Us - Southeastern Massachusetts Round Up The 65th Florida State Convention will take place in Fort Lauderdale August 3-7, 2022. The same great location at the Riverside Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, NV on the beautiful Colorado River will be filled with meetings, fine fellowship, inspiring and humorous speakers, and more fun than ever. See you there! Bob., gathered in Cleveland, Ohio. If you have attended in the past, please come again and add to the celebration. Home; Meetings. The rate is dependent on room availability and only available if you reserve before 1/14/22. NOTICE: Topics for the 2022 Post Confernce Assembly do not require a Log In. We will have AA and Alanon speakers sharing their incredible stories, informative workshops to attend, 12 step meetings/panels and various fun activities all while learning ways to increase our serenity in sobriety. Upcoming Events - Alcoholics Anonymous Upcoming Events Show Events Search View As Previous Events March 2023 Lake Area Roundup March 10 @ 5:00 pm - March 11 @ 10:00 pm Lake Area Roundup March 10-11, 2023 Lake Charles Civic Center Lake Area Roundup Flyer 2023 Find out more District 8 Business Meeting March 15 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Rates only available here - exclusive basis! Wolgast (German pronunciation: [vlast]) is a town in the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Saturday, March 25, 2017. We hope to see you there!
Upcoming Events Convention - Alcoholics Anonymous 10am Entertainment Golf Tournament.
Aloha Roundup 2022 - Constant Contact Whether you choose to go to an AA Convention, AA Roundup, AA Retreat or use another Recovery Resource, taking the first step toward regaining your life has begun. Most recently, in 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia, an estimated 57,000 A.A. members attended. Feedback on Closing Big Meetings at the International Convention. Please book your room directly with the hotel, not with AA Greece. Schedule of Events during our 2-day Roundup. Come and join us for our brunch buffet in the grand ballrom Sunday, Nov. 27th. Be sure to buy your tickets together. 2:15PM Talking Circle. Aloha Roundup 2022 When Friday, February 25, 2022 at 3:00 PM HST -to- Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 1:00 PM HST Add to Calendar Where Ala Wai Golf Club 404 Kapahulu Ave., HI 96815 Driving Directions Contact Registrar Aloha Roundup 2022 8087257795 aloharoundup.hon@gmail.com Aloha Roundup 2022 The Southern California Convention that was started in 1952.
Event Calendar | Alcoholics Anonymous - Great Britain 2022 All Rights Reserved - The Las Vegas Round Up.
Area 62 State Convention - South Carolina Alcoholics Anonymous Area 62 VIP seating, a comedy act, gourmet food, and front row seats to our keynote speakers. 2023 Dates Announced! One of the most powerful tools for recovery is attending regular AA events. Join us for the 76th Annual Texas State Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous. Thank you all for your generosity in helping us bring you the best event this year, and the years to come! Until that day, I hadnt realized just how big A.A. really is. Spring Assembly 2023. . It is a 3 day event organised by AA Central Office of Shreveport, LA and will conclude on 06-Nov-2022. Look below to see what's coming up around the world. AA and AL-ANON workshops & meetings, Meet the Speakers Lunch Buffet, Sobriety Countdown, Hospitality Room, On-Site Intergroup Store, Souvenirs, Tee Shirts, Mugs, Gift Basket raffle, 50-50 raffle, and more! HOME | NEW TO A.A.?
Bala Golf Club Membership Cost,
Roger Leblanc Obituary,
Articles A